Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sundays are no fun without Gary...

I love so many things about's just the leisure manner that it brings to Gary and I.......Sunday mornings are sacred......Coffee in bed first followed by a big Sunday paper......I love that Gary shares this weekly ritual.....he is always in such a hurry to go wherever and this ritual has become very special that when he is out of town, it's just a long day......Sundays are for kids are grown and have been out of the house for years.....but today even though I was lonely for Gary and did a lot of "nothing" all day, it was a very special day for my daughter......this was the day that she completed the Avon 3-day walk for she does for everything, she followed an exemplary training the book......she was going to be prepared and she was...physically.....but after talking with her today, nothing could have prepared her for the emotional journey that she would experience. 3,000 walkers......people who were cancer survivors, their friends, people who were walking in memory of friends that they had lost, and like Corey, people who just wanted to feel that they were making a difference.. Three days, 60 miles and six million dollars raised, Corey was elated and is already planning for a team next year......I beamed with pride as I listened to her.......she has so much to give....maybe this will be the start of her recognizing that things that she does can and do make a difference in every aspect of her life......she called my sister who is a breast cancer survivor and described every detail of the closing ceremony.....she called both of her brothers in Costa Rica....she called Gary who is in Prague and she called . What a lucky family we are to be so close........but next Sunday, Gary, you will spend the morning with me in bed with coffee and the paper.....that's our Sunday tradition. So as I shut down for the night, maybe I shouldn't really call this day "no fun" was a little lonely and very thought provoking.......we are all healthy and happy.....can't ask for more than that......I drank my coffee, read the paper and completed the entire Sunday crossword puzzle.....yes, Sundays are supposed to be the hardest ones, but I did it on my own........I did do something else today, but I will leave that for my post tomorrow.....what a funny person i can be....stay tuned....

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