Wednesday, October 17, 2007


What's a girl supposed to do......okay, not just any girl.....I guess I should say woman......I guess I should be more specific and say woman over 50......Lately in the magazines I read and am impressed by (More and Oprah) and on AOL news postings, the hot topic seems to be "What Women Over 50 Shouldn't Do, Should Never Wear, Hairdos To Avoid, Jewelry to Just Say No To.......Most Common Makeup Mistakes of Women Over nauseum.........I respect so much of the information that I solicit from these magazines, but I feel I am getting an overload of What Not To Do or Wear instead of Headlines Like ....How to look your best after to flatter your body after 50....tell me the fashions......tell me the make-up tips.....Just tell me in a positive tone........As I am going through this journey of turning 60 (and let me just say, I am OKAY with it....), I am learning to rephrase or reframe what my life is about instead of getting stuck in all of the 'WHAT NOTS TO DO AFTER 50'.......Frighteningly enough, none of the articles I have read so far deal with what to do or wear or make-up tips on WHAT NOTS TO DO AFTER 60.........should I be overly concerned about that or should I assume that I guess that when you turn 60 THERE ARE NO MORE RULES..........that would be very refreshing.......meanwhile I will spend my last two and a half weeks as a 59 year old woman breaking all the rules that I can....with a big smile on my face......I am now taking on the role of "warrior"......Watch out........have a great day...

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