Thursday, May 31, 2007

JUST GOT THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got a call from my oldest son in Costa Rica and he and his wife and daughter just came from the doctor and have been given a date and time for Gisella's c-section for my third granddaughter......I am going down to Costa Rica June 23.....will be there for the final 3-D ultrasound on the 26th and then just play in San Jose with my two beautiful girls, Liana and Maya......both 2 years and nine months (five days apart)......the phone call from Scott just gave me a renewed sense of how very lucky I am to be part of these gorgeous girls' lives........I can't call them babies in Costa Rica could have been a huge barrier to my being able to see the girls often, but both of my daughters-in-law have nothing less than spectacular in encouraging me to come and visit anytime I want....there are never any time frames involved. I have always been grateful for this access, but today, after Scott's call concerning the birthdate of my third princess, I have a huge smile on my face......I never pictured myself as a grandmother (or for me, an "abby").........but what blissful joy this is....what a journey I am family is my core and just when I think I can't feel more joy, my thoughts are with my husband, my three beautiful and successful children, two beautiful and caring daughters-in-law, my two princesses and a "new life to join our family" in five weeks.......I am inviting all those dear to me along for my with me today

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