Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well, it's time to pack for a big trip that we are taking to Colorado. All of the family will be there......We leave Thursday....this is now Tuesday, but I getting into my "packing freakout" as I always do. There's a lot of ways to look at this....like shouldn't I try to work on this...be prepared...etc.....but you can also look at is as my "packing mania" is a "constant" in my life. And sometimes when you can know what to expect, it's easier that waiting for the "unexpected"....
This should really be an easy one....warm clothes, gloves, hats, the newest long underwear, which isn't like those old thermal grannies....these are black tight fitting tights and turtle neck, which make you look like you've lost a few pouds...then on top of that, you put a thermal layer...then comes a turtleneck, then maybe a vest or sweater and then your ski jacket. Now is when "you don't look so skinny" anymore. I have all of this stuff in a box downstairs from our trip last year, and have pulled most of it, so this should not be a problem......then a couple pairs of jeans.....a few turtle necks, some warm pajamas, vanity stuff, which should be a minimum......sounds like a piece of cake, right.. I'll let you know. Okay, so that's the first storm.....the second one begins when we get to Colorado and I get to see my three granddaughters, two of them are four, Liana and Maya and one is 19 months, Mia. Maybe I shouldn't call them the storm. They are definitely more like "tornadoes". You can't really ever prepare for this....you just try and flow the best you can and get as many hugs and kisses as possible. I know there will be many snowmen and snow angels made....lots of hot chocolate...roasted marshmellows, and since my husband and sons are great cooks, we won't be hurting on the food side. My daughter is also a great cook, but loves to be spoiled by the boys, as do I.......As I write about the girls, I have a smile on my face and enough love and warmth in my heart to weather the storm of packing. As far as my three tornadoes, how lucky am I?

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