Wednesday, January 7, 2009


As I was watching CNN Headline News this morning, I listened only with a mild interest when their financial reporter who I love, Ali Velshy, announced that we should stay tune to hear the top ten jobs to have in this economy and encouraged any young people to start shifting their interests to these fields....blah, blah, blah...
When they came back on air they listed the top ten, but to be honest, I was only interested in numbers 1 and 3. Number one was a mathematician and number three was a statistician...Actually I forgot, number five was a scientist.......I was so excited, I didn't know who to oall, because it was very early. As my excitement grew, the three anchors were having a wonderful time yawning and saing that the "nerds" had finally won.....who would ever want to do those jobs.....I would rather watch paint dry, they continued......Aha.....let me explain my glee....My husband, Gary got his undergraduate degree with a math major and a statistics minor.....and once he became a biostatistican, which includes math, stat and science, he became the brunt of many nerd jokes, and I was one of the first to criticize a lot of his colleagues, and continued to tell him he was the only cute biostatistician I had ever met.....After working in the field for over 30 years and getting world renown kudos, he can own up to the fact that he is a handsome nerd who has financial to all those naysayers who have tried to understand some of Gary's conversations on what he does, I say.......Watch CNN.....The nerds have conquered....


L. said...

: )

Todd Cutter, 2Costa Rica Real Estate said...

I assume it did not mention anything about handsome real estate agents, being a top job in this floroushing economy :)