Monday, June 4, 2007

Seeing New yet Familiar Faces

That title for my blog is certainly an, yet familiar......what is that all about? Let me attempt to explain.....I have now gone to the bicycle trail two days in a row at about the same time.......Many of us athletes (or should I say exercisers) are a creature of habit and like to do our workouts at the same time every maps your day for you.....anyway, I am seeing familiar faces at the bike bikers that I can recognize, because we pass each other too quickly (I do a great death grip on the handlebars when I see another bike coming)....but I am recognizing some walkers and we have already begun to smile and say "good morning"....I not only say "good morning".....I also ring my bell....I have mentioned that I have a bell on my limey, have I not? well, anyway, I do....and now when certain bikers ride by (those who are riding slow, very slow), we ring our bells at one if that is not a good reason for going bike riding, I don't know what is.....I put a smile on my face and enjoy the breeze and acknowledge that I am one lucky lady for being able to do all these activities....both financially and physically......I actually started leaning into the turns a bit step at a time.......this new found "exercise out of the box" has also allowed me to smile at different people at the gym and acknowledge their performance on whatever they are doing.....this little wallflower might turn out to be a social butterfly.......I'll keep you informed........5 more days until Corey and I go to Canyon Ranch.....yeah!!!!

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