Monday, June 11, 2007

uh-oh....I obviously snored last night!!!!!!!

Neither Corey nor I slept particularly well last night....I was tossing and turning all night......went to the bathroom at least 7 times and then upon,
Corey awaking this morning.....and my asking how SHE slept, she mumbled NOT WELL AT ALL.......Apparently from 9:30-11:30 and then 1:30-3:30, my snoring was so horrific, that she tried to construct a makeshift bed in the closet to avoid the "freight train" that was obviously coming from my bed......the bad news....besides the fact that she didn't sleep, was that I was wearing a non-snore nose strip.....Gary kept telling me they were working while I tried them out at home.....he was either trying not to hurt my feelings or I will have to try and wear two strips tonight.....oh, goodness.....poor have to have a sense of humor here........oh, almost time for the 6:30 walk......will keep you informed........

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