Thursday, June 14, 2007


After our lovely evening last night.....corey viewed the pictures I had taken and she loved them....hmmm....maybe photography could be my new hobby....haha.....anyway, Corey went to sleep.....I stayed up a little bit and then settled in with my two nasal strips and the thermacare on my neck all ready for a great night's sleeping problems for me, but when I awoke this morning I found out that Corey had spent four hours sleeping in her makeshift bed in the closet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hung my head low as Corey assured me that she was really relatively comfortable and slept there four solid hours and then returned to her bed..............aargh.....what do I do? Do I try three nose strips tonight or do I go in the closet?????????????
Getting ready for a day of activities.....then at 3, Corey has an ayurevedic mud wrap and treatment and I have a massage at 4 and then a facial at 7........will get some sort of exercise in before that.....I is rough for this duo...
we will enjoy these treatments for all of you....
Better close now.....Corey has not mentioned "cheeseburger" yet..poor thing is starting to get sick........maybe a cheeseburger would help!!!!!
Until later...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK world so the real reason Sharon has a broken arm is coming out....I hope tonight goes better...of course, my flight is an hour late - so sleeping in a closet is better than sleeping in an airline seat!
